Shout out to Katy Perry for getting me through the final stretch of Grad school. Her song may or may not be about a man… but as far as I’m concerned - I would like a divorce from my Master’s program. However, I’ve committed myself, taken an oath in front of witnesses and dammit I will finish this unless death parts us.
I had a bit of a slip into a procrastination/avoidance hole or – crater… but I picked myself up (with the help of some encouraging words from Hayley, some threatening words from my mom, and a good ‘ole hug from Joyce) and found a groove - I hope (everyone knock on wood as you read this). Additional shout-out to Joyce for letting me use her office which is a magical, silent cave of productivity. Legit – got SO much done the past couple weeks that I am more than motivated to continue chipping away at the 100+ pages of writing I need to finish in order to graduate. (This is the cause of the blogging hiatus. I know how many of you have been disappointed with the lack of updates.)
Add to that all of the great things I keep looking forward to! A 3 day work week this week! Blane’s birthday and going home this weekend! (That should be interesting considering calves have been spending the night in my kitchen since March. I wonder what other strange things I will have to report on.) Spending time with friends during the beautiful weather! I almost went to a dark place this morning (sorry Charlotte) but smelled the fresh cut grass when I pulled onto campus this morning and felt that I could get through the next couple days without committing a crime.
You know who else won’t break my soul? The hoochie-mamas who think a little warm weather is the perfect excuse to dress like a stripper at SCHOOL! For the record if your skin is sticking out further than your jean shorts – you should NOT be wearing them. If you can’t walk without getting a wedgy – you shouldn’t be wearing it. If you have more than 3 different color straps showing between your tank top(s) and bra… it’s 2012 – buy a strapless or a clasp or one of the other 50 million products that help make straps unnecessary or invisible. We get it. You’re wearing a bra. Last comment on summer-wear: if you can feel a breeze somewhere, it means we can see it.
Now I don’t know much about fashion, etc. and I am still struggling with my own outfit choices (shout out to Hayley for intervening long ago) but I do know what it looks like to not have a friend who politely suggests you change before entering the public.
It may also be a good time to politely suggest to others in conversation how important it is to keep deodorant handy as it gets warmer. You just never know when that stuff will wear off… like in a crowded elevator, or small classroom… Butttt in keeping with the summer-y theme, I am very excited to break out my dresses this year. Once classes are over I plan on substituting class time with exercise time, which will hopefully make a difference in time for the important events I have coming upJ
I also decided to replace my traffic reports with a My Favorite Things segment. It’s not that people are driving better or aren’t as interesting – it’s just that my staring at these strange traffic incidents is going to cause me to be the star of my own traffic report…
This week my favorite things are:
1) Going to bed with the window open; letting the night bugs lull me to sleep
2) Smelling the fresh cut grass
3) The sunglasses that look better on me than on Charlotte (it’s okay we’ll find you new ones)
4) My new black pumps
5) Finding random things to craft with and add to my future nautical themed apartment
6) Having not smudged my nails after painting them for the first time EVER
Hayley and I are going to a Red Sox game tonight and if you don’t hear me mention her from here on out, it’s because she refuses to take pictures next to me and we broke up.
I hope you all take a little time today to let the sun kiss your beautiful facesJ