I started writing this next blog entry (since my last one) like 14 times. I keep starting them and erasing them. Basically nothing has changed since my last entry. Except, everyday I switched from being positive and optimistic and funny to wanting to kick a stranger in the shin for looking at me like "I know you don't have a 'real' job because you're here in the middle day." Then I wanted to say "Dude! YOU'RE here in the middle of the day. What are you doing Mr. Judgy. You don't know me!" Then I was all he's holding the door for you Meg, calm down psycho. So see?! You're welcome. No one wants to read that emo crap. Wow - I digressed a lot.
Anywhoodle - I figured, how many times could I possibly update you on my joblessness? I mean - that's not interesting nor is it fun to type or talk about daily. Buttttt I'm here, because while I was just laying on my hammock outside, during this beautiful night, listening to peepers and staring at my twinkle lights that surround my porch, like a gloriously interesting and poetic character from a novel, I had a revelation. Are you ready for this? (I hope I didn't set myself up to much with all that precursor stuff. Some of you may be disappointed. You can just stop reading now. Or you can finish reading and be all "ummm DUH! I could've told her that". But if you think that - please don't leave it in the comments, because, well... that's not nice - and I'm on a roll so don't interrupt).
Okay. Here it is: I need to shut the eff up, put on my grateful pants, my rose glasses and my thank-you sandals and appreciate the hell out of my life right now. I was laying in my hammock talking to The Big Guy about what he's up to and when he was thinking of telling me what I should be up to, and I realized - I just had the GREATEST day. I had a day that if you had asked me over a year ago to describe my perfect day it would pretty much be today and yesterday and the day before that. Here's a list of awesome things that I have been missing:
- That I get to wear jeans EVERY. DAY.
- I don't sit at a desk all day.
- I get to see my nephews so much that I don't notice them growing daily. (That's a lot).
- I get to drive around for 3 hours with mom and dad looking for the perfect filet to cook on Mother's Day.
- That I get to spend days shopping with Shauna (which mostly consists of using the bathroom in Walmart).
- That I get to watch mom attempt to get through a day working outside without hurting herself... or me.
- That I get to be around to watch Lindey be a mother and a wife - (which is crazy because it seems like yesterday that we were exchanging clothes for high school dances and running through sprinklers during work). (Dad - if you're reading this, I meant AFTER work. AFTER.)
- That I got to spend 3 hours with people from church today who are basically like another set of grandparents. (Let's be real - they won't be around forever and I'm grateful for any extra memories).
- That I have a wonderful, yet quirky family unit in Boston that misses me and keeps in touch with me and makes me feel like I'm still connected to them through the miles.
- That I have a lawn to mow and a house to work on.
- And here is some more awesomeness in picture form:

...That's a lot and that's only off the top of my head. So what if I can't find a job right now? Maybe once I let go of this insane need to find a society-approved job and insurance plan and embrace this wonderful life that, yes I partially asked for, but couldn't be more peaceful and great, maybe then... I'll find something great that relieves my anxiety of monthly bills. But until then? So what if I have to tell people daily that I don't work somewhere in dress pants from 9-5. So what if people won't hire me because I'm over-qualified. To them I say this:
If all of this doesn't outweigh the anxiety I feel on the first of the month and when approached by someone asking if "I've found a real job yet" - then my head is a lot further up my rear than I ever thought.
Sure - I live near a parking lot full of like 30 cats that are just waiting for me to hit my spinster status. Sure - some of the guys here think a gas station is an appropriate place to find your soulmate. Sure - the college kids next door keep me up past 8:30pm. But I truly believe in 10 years, I will look back on these last 8 months and next few (at least) and be so grateful for these memories that it far outweights all of the things I can find to stress out about.
So I'm basically writing to brag about my life. I hope that's not as annoying as it seems. I have a pretty great life and it's about to get even greater with summer coming. Tans, bon fires, water, fireworks, more hammock time. I know not everyone is as lucky as I am. I just hope they take small steps everyday to come to a place where they can sit somewhere and realize they had one of the greatest days ever. Not because some huge event happened, but because a bunch of the smallest of things made them feel peaceful and happy all. day. long.
Are all of you choking on warmth and positivity now? If so - mission accomplished.
I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes and a thank you for caring enough to click on this crap and read a really strange diary of the past few years of my life.