Have you missed me?! That’s rhetorical. OF COURSE ya’ll missed me.
I know it’s been quite the hiatus – and there’s a ton to catch up on so find a comfy chair folks.
I guess I have been waiting to write until I had something super impressive and successful to share. To tie a bow on my grand return home and wrap everything up with a “and everything turned out the way it was meant to. I’m on the right path. I work at blah blah blah and love my job and…” yeah. Things haven’t exactly turned out that way. But a wonderful friend reminded me that sometimes, these little “detours” ARE the path. So this post, my friends, is about my detour – that is shaping up to be quite the scenic footpath on my way to who knows where…
Even though I know my fan-base (hahaha I called all four of you fans) consists of the least judgmental people on the planet – I guess I was the reason I didn’t write until now. I couldn’t decide whether to be raw and honest and explain how hard it’s been moving back or wait until I was on the other side and be sun-shiney and optimistic. Segue with me quickly…
Hayley or more affectionately, the right side of my brain - recently wrote an amazing post on sharing. I like to think there are certain things we are called to share – at an exact moment, to an exact person or audience. Then there our times when our struggle, story, issue is just ours; times when it’s important to gain strength from working it out with just you and the Big Guy. Then there are times when we just need a friend or the right combination of a few friends. There is a bravery that comes with both sharing and keeping.
That said – the past few months have been action-packed. So much going on – mostly unplanned and I’m learning (the way I do, very slowly) to go with the flow and appreciate the value in the moments instead of worrying about other things.
I’m going to try to be organized and not ramble (haha – fat chance. Bear with me.)
My house: My beautiful, wonderful house. It’s come SO far! It’s really starting to come together and although it still doesn’t quite feel like home – it’s getting there and I’m loving it. I finally hung decorations with the help of mom and dad. The cabinets are half done and up and even though they look horrible – the colors match. So that is the end of that. Almost all my stuff is put away. I still have that one box full of miscellaneous crap that I keep looking at and wondering where the heck I put it all these years. Since taking my decorations down for Christmas, I’ve kept up some lights because I LOVE lights and… it’s my house so I’m going to do what I want. I can’t wait for spring and summer when I can use the porch more and hang my hammock and read out there (gosh I hope I make time to do that). I also have the entire upstairs to do – but for now everything is put together in its own way and I’m really happy with it. It’s weird to love a building this much – but I do. SO MUCH.
The boys: The struggles being what they are in being back and transitioning… has been worth every second to be around my nephews more. I love being able to watch them grown up and learn things and play with them and listen to them.
Blane learns fast and is into repeating things (sincere note to self to watch my big mouth) and is asking a ton of questions and is absolutely fascinating. Among the one-liners he feeds me daily he has questioned why I don’t have a baby (completely legitimate considering the culture here) which was hard to answer to a 3 year old. We’ve had our first fight – in which we both cried (way to stay strong Tia…) seriously. We’ve had our first “date” playing trains outside (which I’m sure he’ll be horrified about later). But nothing compares to him seeing me and screaming “TIAAA”. Warms my ticker… A LOT.
Brooks is going to be SO complex. I love that you can see that already in him. He already has complicated feelings and I love that about him. He’s learning quite a few words: mama, dada, santa, ball, ba-ba, kitty… we’re working on Tia… sometimes it comes out Ti-Ti which I’ll take. If you ask him where Jesus is he looks at the light and waves. It’s freaky but beautiful. He smiles A LOT and loves to laugh and mimic people and play keep away with his food. He LOVES playing with balls so hopefully he’ll be really athletic, but I’m 99% sure he’s a lefty. I can work with that I think. He’s constantly interacting with and talking to “people” in rooms. And by “people” I mean – people that we cannot see… it’s kind of incredible. I just tell him to tell whoever it is “Hi” for me and he does. He loves dancing with me and me singing him to sleep. It’s kind of our thing. Not to brag. Seriously though – this kid rocks.
Job/Career/Work: Ahhh the dreaded topic. Which is funny because I’m the only one who dreads it. I get defensive and really… there is nothing to be defensive about. Since October I’ve been “consulting” for Shauna’s daycare. I actually have loved it. (The business side, not so much on the actual kid-interaction part but I’m getting there. Seriously – I can only have SO many repetitive conversations about what my name is, what I’m doing and complimenting your shirt and shoes). So far I’ve connected her to social media, started her website, (if you're dying of curiosity: www.bbeginnings2011.com but please be kind... it's my first website) maintained it and re-done a lot of forms and procedures and am really excited about it. It’s been a lot of fun. Eventually I’ll be running out of work here and am really hoping some things are in the works for me to help a couple other people with their businesses. All in due time I guess.
I’ve also been working at my parents’. Part time inside helping mom rearrange the house, organize and do other projects. Then part time outside helping dad pull up trees, work on equipment and do farm-ish things. I love this part too and even though I beat myself up that I’m “going to work for my parents” (which I’m not really sure how it got a negative connotation or why I maintain that connotation) I really love it. I love being outside I love fixing things and learning mechanical things and having the animals around.
So I’m sure at this point you’re all confused. “So wait – if you love everything you’re doing and you’re happy what’s your problem?” Yeah – I get it people. I never said it made sense – but I just envisioned myself in a ‘respectable’, somewhat 9-5 career with benefits or insurance or something. I thought when I heard God whisper "Hey Meg - you're going to move back to PA, I have stuff for you to do" that I knew exactly where He was going with it and that He had the perfect job awaiting me... so I'm pretty sure our signals got crossed (AKA His plans are bigger/better than mine - duh). So - it’s not that I’m not looking – I am and continue to, but I basically know exactly what I want to do and the population I want to work with (which is an improvement, believe me). When it is supposed to happen I’m sure it will happen. I'm also open to other options or other businesses needing a consultant and continuing this. For now, though, I seem to be making it somehow month to month and that is how I know I’m on the right detour/path. I love doing something different everyday and being surrounded by family and learning and.. well… wearing jeans and boots everyday (although, insert pride here, Hayl – I MISS heel-wearing opportunities).
I also miss my family in Boston. Although I get to visit often (not often enough), when I start to miss them a lot I try to think to myself how blessed I am to have a family to miss. How many people get practically two families who love them and miss them and support them? Not many people – but I know how lucky I am and a 6 hour drive is a small price to pay for this gift.
So… I’m learning to forgive myself for not fitting into a cookie cutter that I made myself (yeah – the irony is not lost on me). I’m learning to just “be”. I’m taking time to enjoy this time in my life where I get to do what I want, when most people never do. I’m learning to trust His timing and I’m learning to ask Him for exactly what I want.

I’m also learning to freaking chill. Apparently in Boston I had very few instincts to fight/assault someone or get defensive or assume someone was going to attack me. I think having grown up in PA and then moving, it just never occurred to me not to trust people or to wave at them. Welllll 7 years later – Boston musta seeped in. There have been VERY few times I have gone to my door here WITHOUT a bat or a knife. Like – am I serious? It’s Mansfield PA! One time it was my adorable neighbors returning a package that was mis-delivered. The other time it was people getting out of bible study… and I’m like… packing heat and asking for a fight. I wonder how many years of being back it will take for me to return to my assuming everyone has cookies for me and just wants to ask about my day.
So what’s next? Staying healthy, meeting new people and continue looking for new opportunities. Having recently found a new church that I LOVE I’m hoping these things will continue falling into place as they have thus far in my life. Where’s my trust, man?
January 26th I’m starting a juice cleanse/fast (thank you Hayl for making me watch that scary documentary). It’s 10 days and I’m PRAYING I make it, but I’m confident and excited. Although I am not looking forward to the first 48 hours. Imagine your body detoxing after feeding it what I have fed MY body for 25 years. You’d be scared too. TMI?
Okay, I am going to try hard not to take such a long hiatus again… I mean – you poor things! What have you been doing with your down time without reading these little golden nuggets?
In all seriousness - I hope 2013 brings all of you an inner peace that resists the judgment of the world and/or - of yourselves.