I have so many pictures that I fully intend on putting up here, but that will take some time, so I’ll get there – I swear. I’m avoiding trying to turn on the camera that I dropped into the Susquehanna…

Here's a throwback to a list of my favorite things right now:
1. Sundays.
2. My hammock.
3. Ice cream – because I only have a week or so left of it being so readily available.
4. My beach candle that’s keeping summer alive for me.
5. Snapchat. Because a picture is worth a thousand words and my friends don’t need to say anything at all.
6. Opening a new chapstick
Social-life-wise I am dangerously close to losing the only friend I have here. I hit Lindey’s planter the other day in her driveway. Literally never hit anything with my car before. Ever. (Okay, fine - minus that guy in Boston who STOPPED at a rotary… really, dude?) Anyways instead of getting out of my car and apologizing like a normal human - I started laughing so hard I fell on her lawn until she came out, also laughing hysterically. It took me about 5-8 minutes to gather myself enough to pick it up and find all the pieces, put the light back together and put her sign back up. Not to mention the fact that earlier in the night her 1 year old daughter shushed me and turned my chair to face a wall. In my defense though, crazier things have happened while we’ve been together. I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.
While I’m airing Meg's Brightest Moments… I was also cleaning out my car the other day. So… you know how people hoard ketchup in their cars? Or straws or napkins? Or something that makes sense like that? Who wants to go through a drive thru and not have enough ketchup? Or NOT be able to drink their drink because someone was having a bad day and forgot your straw? Well… I don’t have any of those things in my car. I have cheese. Yes. You read that correctly. I stockpile large amounts of cheese in my car. Have I found myself in a cheese emergency before? Yes. Have any of these cheese containers come in handy? No. I’m sure you’re all thinking “but Meg… cheese doesn’t keep unless it’s refrigerated and it’s been summer…” Yes – you’re right. Cheese does NOT KEEP IN THE SUMMERTIME IN CARS. I guess now wouldn’t be a believable time to convince you all of what a neat-freak, OCD organizational force I am. SO that happened…
So probably a stranger on the street could tell you all how much I love my house. How hard I have worked on it. How much joy I’ve found in having my own space and decorating and making something “mine”. It’s almost all I’ve talked about for over a year. Well… you’ll all be just as shocked to know I’m currently considering moving to a cheaper/smaller place. Here’s the scoop:
A few months ago Jesus asked me to give one of my favorite purses away. (Yes – I know how that sounds. Gimme a minute). Okay, I hate the word purse, but “bag” doesn’t do it justice. Now most of you know I’m not SUPER girly or into girlish things, but I’ve been getting there and bought a some-what expensive Miche bag before I left Boston that I loved. I used it ALL THE TIME. It was the first grown-up bag I’ve ever bought and for some reason I was attached to it from the moment the lady showed it to me. A few months ago a woman from my childhood church, who is like a wonderful 3rd grandmother to me was telling me how awful/torn/small her purse was. I went to her house and saw a really ragged, small jean purse that looked like one I had from a yardsale when I was about 10. I felt then I should empty mine out right there and give it to her, but I resisted and just listened to her and left that day. For about 2 weeks that’s all I heard in the back of my head was “give her your purse, Meg”. I was like “No! I love that purse! She doesn’t even know what Miche is! She doesn’t care which bag she has, I’ll give her one of my other ones that I’m not using.” So I talked to mom about it. (If you’re wondering if my mother really is MY mother here’s your answer) She said “What?! She doesn’t know what a Miche is! That was expensive.” Exactly. But it was relentless. That voice. Of course I know, money is material and has zero comparison to someone’s happiness or appreciation for something. So I emptied out my bag, gathered 3 or 4 more and asked my mom to bring them to her and let her pick which one she wanted. I think you all know where this is going… she picked the Miche. Now I know it doesn’t seem like much, that I gave that away, (I'm not looking for a pat on the back) and don’t get me wrong, she loves it and I’m SO glad I did - but I think I was being prepared at that point, to let go of a lot of material things that I was clinging on to, to prove that my happiness and pride and joy was not found in my bag, my Office-Max style office, or even my house… So yes the bag was a small thing to let go of, but little did I know, it WAS preparing me to possibly be ready to leave this house that I have worked so hard on and grown to love and move on to another place because… I bring the joy with me. If I don’t end up needing to move, it’s still such an important lesson to free yourself from the attachment of things. I will make wherever I am and whatever I have beautiful.

I’m already LOVING down-sizing my crud. Simplifying. Centering on those important intangible things. So stay tuned here. Guaranteed good things are coming.
I pray you all find an unshakeable joy within yourselves.
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