Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chaos and Mother Nature

Helloooo Lovies-
It has been NUTSO around here! So much to do, too much time at work, not enough time for play!
I’m trying to continue “spring cleaning” the apartment. There is a strange smell that I cannot seem to get out. No matter how many times we clean out the fridge, throw out the trash, open windows or light candles.. it won’t go away. I think next I’m literally going to empty the fridge and then scrub it down. We’re beginning to be those people that don’t smell their filth because they live in it. But when Charlotte and I walk in and catch a whif we both look at each other and say “gross”. Then open a window, light a candle and then sit in it. Yucko. It’s in my future plans to get rid of it. It will not overcome me!
Just got back from a Memorial weekend away with friends. Besides the fact that we just missed the tornado that hit there and were without electricity for a few days, we made do with what we had and got to walk away with some laughs, a tan and a few good memories and pictures. It was also our celebration for mom’s birthday. Who is 45 this year. I know… she had me SOO young. ;) Anyways… it’s always quite the experience going home and dealing with whatever chaos and disaster is happening there. Blane has learned everyone’s names and now officially likes to provide updates constantly with where everyone is and what they’re doing. He’s still at the age where that’s adorable and I’ll do anything for him when he asks me. I’m assuming he’ll grow out of that, but I’m not rushing it. I entertained him during lunch with my makeup, which, much to Poppa and Daddy’s dismay, he loved and was VERY good at putting on. His color tastes mirror mine and he has a great sense for what look goes with what season. Ok JK. But he did have a lot of fun and it was VERY funny.
Charlotte had her first physical encounter with a cow, which was DEFINITELY worth watching. The calf pretty much walked her to the tree. But not bad for her first time leading a cow:)
Hayley and Tyler came! I’m glad they got to come and relax, but I’m sure it’s quite the culture shock for anyone to come to PA. Time literally stops and the options of activities are VERY slim. It’s a lot to get used to.
I returned to Boston with a cold though, that is now slowly killing my energy and putting me to sleep. Of course we also just had our own tornado scares here. I really think the world may be ending. I should probably start being a lot nicer pretty soon. At least other than those little twisters, the weather here has been nice enough to go outside a lot this week.
I’m leaving for home again this weekend with more family. It’s their first time there, so I am definitely bringing my camera. It’s never what people expect:) It’s also the reason I have another day off from work, which is really needed!
Yesterday I watched a marathon of Police Women of Browder County… or something along those lines. Anyway, time for a career change. I could DEFINITELY be a detective. So now I want to be a Police Officer. I swear I’m 12. I change what I want to do everyday. I am really actually qualified for very little, but I know with my competitiveness and energy I could pretty much handle everything they were doing. That’s easy to say form my couch. I would probably pee my pants… but I’d still like to try it!
One day, when I actually don’t have plans for the weekend, etc. I’m really going to tackle cleaning the apartment and updating it to Spring and fumigating in whatever way possible. It should be pretty interesting. I’m going to try to post more pictures on here, so stay tuned if you have an interest in looking at cleaning-in-progress:)
Much love.

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