Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ketchup... because it's my favorite pun and condiment

My buddy Blane visited me with mom the other weekend. By far one of the funniest weekends I’ve had. Between his mispronunciation of Charrette and Hayree to his long story about how a Tiger bit him (thanks Charlotte) – he was the source of a ton of laughter. He was a good sport putting up with 4 women all weekend. Such a trooper.
 We all miss him so much already!

It was one of my favorite people in the entire world’s birthday this past week! Yup – Robert Downey Jr. celebrated his… oh waitttt nevermind. It was Hayley’s J Just kidding love. She graciously let Charlotte and I be a part of her celebration and we had a wonderful time at the Fat Cat (for out-of-towners… go ahead and laugh – their food/drinks are to die for but they DO have fat cats everywhere – I’m sure that was Charlotte’s favorite part).
Besides the small hiccup of Charlotte singing “Happy Birthday to Holly” it was good times per usual. (A.k.a she'll be lucky to be invited to her 26th). I bombarded her with birthday messages every hour because saying it once just isn’t enough… HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYL!!!!!! Love you-xo.

Well for all of those worried: the double trouble Tavares weekend was a success. Yup my dad and I managed to not get into too much trouble and got a lot done and even though it was a short amount of time - it was just long enough to:
  • Make me realize no amount of gym time will make me fit enough to compete with him/walk where he walks.
  • Have basically agreed/signed into stone that I would forever be cutting my own cheese from here on out.
  • Have almost killed my cat by sleeping on top of the box spring and mattress she was under. Yup. Under.
  • Bow to the skills of dad in his ability to back his dually into my hard-to-fit-a-Subaru-parking-space
  • Get blown away (literally) by the gale force winds (that dad brought with him) while trying to carry a mattress. Mr. Lightweight didn’t help much.
  • Play a prank on mom. She’s so easy.  
It was a great weekend full of life lessons.

*It has come to my attention that I don't take enough pictures. I once had a friend who took so many pictures I wanted to SCREAM and break her camera... but now - I realized how many photo-ops I miss in one day. This is my new goal for the week.

I guess this could be considered a traffic report:

This morning on my way to work, during my half hour, 30 mph, normally boring ride on I-93, I saw the greatest inspiration for a story line than I could have ever imagined. On the side of the road one after the other: a pink wig, a whip, a muscle shirt and a shoe. NO LIE folks. Pinky swear. Now what in the HELL happened there? The commute went by SO FAST after that that I didn’t get enough time to imagine all the scenarios that involved those items… I was going to list some here, but I’d like to keep this family-friendly. Plus – I gather your imagination will do most of the work for you. Thank you Wednesday-morning-blues-Gods.
Side note: I miss chicken noodle soup day in our caf. I don't even want to talk about it except to say... who the hell eats Mulligatawny soup or US Senate Bean Soup? Who even knows what it is??
Soup Sensations
Old Fashioned Chicken NoodleHearty Beef VegetableSplit Pea with HamMulligatawnyNew England Clam Chowder
Vegetarian Black BeanCream of BroccoliCurried VegetableChunky Vegetable OrzoUS Senate Bean Soup

Simply based on this I need a new job. Anyone who knows of one should let me know immediately. (Chicken noodle soup availability isn't a requirement, just a perk).
I believe I had avoided my homework long enough.
May the rest of your Wednesday and week be full of inappropriateness.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It’s the only way I can describe how I’m feeling without lulling you all into a positivity coma.
There are moments I believe, in life where God just looks right at you. I mean, stares you in the face and you have no idea it’s Him when it’s happening, until you’re replaying your day later. Then you think of all the things you should have said or thought about. Well, God’s been looking me right in the eyes lately and I just started feeling so lucky and… inspired.
A couple weeks ago I was driving to Hayley in Belmont to go look at bridesmaid’s dresses. I was running late (for the first time in my life) and was sitting at a light impatiently waiting for it to turn green, when I saw a homeless man pacing up and down the road yelling. (For those of you not familiar with the city… this is more than normal and I’ve come to barely notice them anymore). However, because it was a beautiful day and my window was down, I actually heard what he was saying. Things like “it’s too beautiful a day to be inside, make sure ya’ll enjoy it” and “life’s too short to be angry and sad, make the best of your day”. As he got closer to my window, I rolled it down more and got a dollar out (as a thank-you for the inspiration. I hardly EVER do this by the way). When he saw my window down, he came over and said “it’s a beautiful day to be joyful young lady and aren’t you a beauty - inside and out I’m sure”.  Well – I mean, a compliment to boot? He earned the dollar. But when I stuck it out the window he backed away and wouldn’t take it “oh no, Miss, that’s not what I’m here for. Just spreading joy and love on this fine day. Not necessary”.
The homeless man refused my dollar. God visited me on Storrow Drive that day.

A few days later on a Thursday, it was almost 50 degrees outside and Renata ( a new friend) and I decided to take a break from work and go for a walk on the harbor. Not only was it the perfect break that helped rejuvenate me, but… God visited me on the harbor that day.

Since then we’ve tried to go on multiple walks and although some days are colder than others, I always look forward to them and am always grateful that this year has been so calming and full of things to be grateful for. So calming, in fact, that I’ve had a chance to notice the beauty right outside of the place I work but used to dread so much.

Not to mention how many wonderful blogs there are out there that not only contain inspired writing and living, but they absolutely inspire their readers. (Chelsea Talks Smack and Enjoying the Small Things) Thanks to Hayley for sending these to me as daily reminders.

Most recently, God visited me at my mechanic’s. Go ahead and laugh… those guys are ANGELS. Not only are they the sweetest most caring and conscientious people ever, they saved me money and wished me a Happy Valentine’s Day. Priceless.

In keeping with the serious tone of this post, I can’t leave out… Whitney. I think it’s one of those things that I will remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when it happened. I rarely feel effected by celebrity deaths and am frustrated when people act like it was their literal family member. But she’s different. So gifted, so gracious, so eloquent. Of course it’s sad that we lost her and won’t get to benefit from her voice or talent, but at least we have our memories of what each of her songs means for us. Even without being here, she inspires and that never dies.

What will I do with all this inspiration? I’m not quite sure. Right now I’m enjoying spending more time playing my guitar, working on exciting crafts, looking for jobs or future opportunities, enjoying the weather and looking forward to all of the wonderful things that will come this year.

In the dullness of winter, I hope each of you find God giving you little moments that inspire you.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Have A Fever…

At this point I’m hoping you’re all worried about me, wondering if I’m laying down, taking Tylenol, holding a washcloth on my head, if not… it’s either because you know me too well, or you’re a jerk.
Either way… no need to fear folks, I’m talking about BIEBER FEVER. Yup. I caught it. Bad. No room for judgment here, so if you insist on judging me for this you should do one of two things: either turn on Never Say Never and get in the game, or stop reading right now because I don’t like dis-believers. So from now on if you’d like to send me tickets to his shows or perhaps a t shirt from his fan site, you can go ahead and do that. He literally makes my day and my Pandora station of his makes me smile – what more could you ask for? Now for all you pervs wondering… he’s going to be 18 this year and we all know I don’t look my age, so put the two together and you get a VERY normal admiration of an artist/inspiration to us all. That is all I have to say about him at this time. Stay tuned though – it comes in waves.
Moving on… I’m sure you’re all wondering how my positivity train is going. Well, we lost a couple of cars and we’ve slowed a bit, but we’re still on the tracks and chugging along. (Please be patient with me as I milk this metaphor for all it’s worth).
                -So far, school is actually going pretty well and I’m on top of everything. I actually even answered a question correctly the other day which not only shocked myself and my classmates but my Professor as well. Good thing he’s not shy about his shock…
                - Work – is not a topic I like to dwell on and having recently been told “we love you for your hard work, but please do less and stop helping”… they’re lucky they see me at all during the day. I have included so many walks, breaks, friendly visits and musical intermissions in my day, it’s a wonder I get ANYTHING done for work or appear to be present at all.
                - The exercise thing… is coming slowly. I’m not beating myself up about the irregularity, but I AM working on it. ESPECIALLY because I’m about to be trying on quite a few dresses in public – now I’m not a huge fan of doing many things in public, let alone changing or trying on clothes. So, trust me, it’s a priority.
Also helping my positivity and ability to move above and beyond work crap is how much other stuff is going on! So many wedding-y things happening. Hayley and I started attempting some crafts for her wedding. Let’s just say we learned A LOT in a short amount of time and now we’ll be on a roll and practically experts at DIY projects, so look out wedding world.
Actually I haven’t done one of these in a while:
Traffic report:
Car: Green Subaru. Driver: Me – 7:30am commute.
Incident: Singing at the top of my lungs, while incorporating dance moves I should patent.
There was a guy who literally was staring at me for like 2 miles. Now, I didn’t know this because I was STARING back, but it’s hard not to notice the SAME car by you with the SAME guy who is just relentlessly gawking at you.
You would think this would cause me to be embarrassed and stop. Nope. That guy could learn a little fun from me. Not only did he almost get into an accident by not stopping when the car in front of him did, I hope he spilled his coffee in his lap. Dude - unless you’re going to join in the song or catch the arm wave I’m passing to you with my free hand… don’t stare. It’s not nice. 
Lesson of the day/week/month:
My mom is literally going to kill me for this, but the last time I laughed so hard I cried was the other day at Friendly’s with my mom where she practically announced she had a rash. I almost just spit out my coffee typing this and reliving it. Anyway – OBVIOUSLY she doesn’t have a rash people, I’m not an a-hole who would put that crap on the internet, but she was playing with the word and it went very wrong. I post this so we can all learn lessons about playing around with words in public.
Well I have a boring meeting to get to that I don’t contribute anything to but am expected to be at so… I guess this break is overJ
Have a blessed day!