Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Have A Fever…

At this point I’m hoping you’re all worried about me, wondering if I’m laying down, taking Tylenol, holding a washcloth on my head, if not… it’s either because you know me too well, or you’re a jerk.
Either way… no need to fear folks, I’m talking about BIEBER FEVER. Yup. I caught it. Bad. No room for judgment here, so if you insist on judging me for this you should do one of two things: either turn on Never Say Never and get in the game, or stop reading right now because I don’t like dis-believers. So from now on if you’d like to send me tickets to his shows or perhaps a t shirt from his fan site, you can go ahead and do that. He literally makes my day and my Pandora station of his makes me smile – what more could you ask for? Now for all you pervs wondering… he’s going to be 18 this year and we all know I don’t look my age, so put the two together and you get a VERY normal admiration of an artist/inspiration to us all. That is all I have to say about him at this time. Stay tuned though – it comes in waves.
Moving on… I’m sure you’re all wondering how my positivity train is going. Well, we lost a couple of cars and we’ve slowed a bit, but we’re still on the tracks and chugging along. (Please be patient with me as I milk this metaphor for all it’s worth).
                -So far, school is actually going pretty well and I’m on top of everything. I actually even answered a question correctly the other day which not only shocked myself and my classmates but my Professor as well. Good thing he’s not shy about his shock…
                - Work – is not a topic I like to dwell on and having recently been told “we love you for your hard work, but please do less and stop helping”… they’re lucky they see me at all during the day. I have included so many walks, breaks, friendly visits and musical intermissions in my day, it’s a wonder I get ANYTHING done for work or appear to be present at all.
                - The exercise thing… is coming slowly. I’m not beating myself up about the irregularity, but I AM working on it. ESPECIALLY because I’m about to be trying on quite a few dresses in public – now I’m not a huge fan of doing many things in public, let alone changing or trying on clothes. So, trust me, it’s a priority.
Also helping my positivity and ability to move above and beyond work crap is how much other stuff is going on! So many wedding-y things happening. Hayley and I started attempting some crafts for her wedding. Let’s just say we learned A LOT in a short amount of time and now we’ll be on a roll and practically experts at DIY projects, so look out wedding world.
Actually I haven’t done one of these in a while:
Traffic report:
Car: Green Subaru. Driver: Me – 7:30am commute.
Incident: Singing at the top of my lungs, while incorporating dance moves I should patent.
There was a guy who literally was staring at me for like 2 miles. Now, I didn’t know this because I was STARING back, but it’s hard not to notice the SAME car by you with the SAME guy who is just relentlessly gawking at you.
You would think this would cause me to be embarrassed and stop. Nope. That guy could learn a little fun from me. Not only did he almost get into an accident by not stopping when the car in front of him did, I hope he spilled his coffee in his lap. Dude - unless you’re going to join in the song or catch the arm wave I’m passing to you with my free hand… don’t stare. It’s not nice. 
Lesson of the day/week/month:
My mom is literally going to kill me for this, but the last time I laughed so hard I cried was the other day at Friendly’s with my mom where she practically announced she had a rash. I almost just spit out my coffee typing this and reliving it. Anyway – OBVIOUSLY she doesn’t have a rash people, I’m not an a-hole who would put that crap on the internet, but she was playing with the word and it went very wrong. I post this so we can all learn lessons about playing around with words in public.
Well I have a boring meeting to get to that I don’t contribute anything to but am expected to be at so… I guess this break is overJ
Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Justin Bieber is magical. Nothin' wrong with finding him in January as the new conductor to your New Year's Positivity Train. I mean, he IS old enough to drive.
    Great post. xoxoxoxoxoxox
